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We're thrilled to announce that we're undergoing a major makeover! Our company is getting a brand new look and our website is being revamped from top to bottom. Our rebranded content will be live on the 1st of November 2023
Red Border Contracting

REBCO as RED BORDER Cont. & Gen. Maint. is a leading company from last 15 years with engineering, Construction and Automation Services specializing in Automatic Gates & Doors, Automatic Sliding Doors, Automatic Glass Doors, Automatic Sliding Gate Motor, Automatic Twisters (Low West and Speed Gates), Car Parking Sheds, Automatic Road/Gate Barriers & Bollards, Automation System, Access Door Systems, Road Blocker, Rolling Shutters and Motors, Speed Humps and Signs, Steel Works, Turnstiles, Unipark Systems, AC Installation and Maintenance work, Motor Winding and Repairing and CCTV Camera.

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